Planning and Policy

Planning and Policy

Russell C. Carey is the Executive Vice President for Planning and Policy for Brown University. In this role he works closely with President Christina H. Paxson, the provost, the executive vice president for finance and administration, the Corporation, and members of the community to ensure effective University-wide efforts in planning and policy, in keeping with the University’s overall mission.

Executive Vice President's Office

The executive vice president serves as the senior officer responsible for coordinating Brown’s strategic planning processes and providing leadership on a broad range of University strategy, policy, and governance matters. His major responsibilities include: establishing measures to assess planning priorities and progress towards Brown’s strategic planning goals; conducting ongoing data gathering, analysis, and outcome assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the University’s plans, initiatives and policies; and assisting senior officers, divisions and departments in defining strategies and developing plans to ensure continued growth and prosperity. He works closely with other senior officers and oversees the University’s plans and initiatives in the area of City and State economic development, including strategic growth initiatives. He serves as Chair of the Capital Planning Working Group and Chair of the Core Crisis Committee. The executive vice president serves as a member of the University Resources Committee and represents the University on a number of external boards and organizations, including the Providence Foundation, the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, and Crossroads Rhode Island.

The departments and policy areas reporting to the executive vice president include: