Planning and Policy

Crisis Management Structure

Brown University has a well-established Crisis Management Structure in place to plan and prepare for emergency situations, including pro-active risk assessment and mitigation initiatives, and emergency response and management policies and protocols.

The Core Crisis Committee has responsibility for crisis management and planning, emergency preparedness, communications and training, and related activities. The Core Crisis Committee is chaired by the Executive Vice President for Planning & Policy.

Responsibility for leadership and response during a University Emergency is formally structured among three standing bodies:

  • The Policy Committee, chaired by the President, provides strategic guidance and decision making during very serious emergencies and makes major policy decisions during extraordinary events, including campus evacuation or shut down.
  • The Core Crisis Committee, chaired by the Executive Vice President for Planning & Policy, has principal responsibility for overall coordination and management of the University’s response for the duration of the crisis. This includes collection and analysis of information, evaluation of response options, directing site operations, communicating information and instructions, and management of recovery actions. The Core Crisis Committee also coordinates activities with governmental and other external agencies.
  • The Operations and Support Group, chaired by the Deputy Chief of Police, is responsible for implementing and supporting the strategies and directives of the Core Crisis Team.

In the event of an Emergency, the University’s priorities will be:

  • Safety of students, faculty, staff and affected community residents;

  • Mitigation of damage;

  • Communication with University constituencies; and

  • Recovery and restoration of academic and research operations.

Further information related to the University’s Crisis Management Structure and emergency preparedness generally can be found at:

Community members with questions or seeking more information about the Crisis Management Structure at Brown should contact Russell Carey or Christopher Harwood.

To report an emergency: Call Public Safety at (401) 863-4111.